
Little Finley had a rough first few weeks of his life. Shortly after he was born, it was discovered that he would need heart surgery to correct a narrowed artery. It is hard to imagine a more difficult thing to deal with as a parent - all the needle pokes, the tests, the emergency flight to a bigger hospital, the tubes and wires constantly encircling such a sweet little babe, and not to mention the incision and after-effects of major surgery. But Mike and Amanda bore it with grace - grace given to them from their loving God and Saviour. They trusted His plan and his timing with their baby boy's life. 

It was a sweet day when they were finally able to come home as a family and get back into normal life - although, life with a newborn never seems very "normal"! But, these photos say it all. The love this family has for each other and for their Saviour is so evident. It was a privilege to be able to photograph my dear friend and business partner's family at this milestone in their lives!