in which kendra and taylor find themselves right where they belong

Theirs started out as a simple story. They met much the same as any two strangers meet: by chance. She's a teacher, and he came to fix her computer.  It was that moment, so unexpected and seemingly unimportant, that would prove to be pivotal for their entire lives. They went on their first date on New Year's Eve, and just shy of two years later, Taylor said, "Will you?" and she said, "YES!"

Their day started off at a leisurely pace, with the girls getting all dolled up at the Velour Studio in Weyburn by some seriously talented ladies.

It wasn't uncommon to hear the hairdressers exclaiming about both Kendra and her sister's thick hair as they worked. Those two are definitely blessed with beautifully heavy locks!

Kendra's mom joined in the fun and received the full beauty treatment while her daughter's hairstyle came to life.

Coffee arrived for all, and we can tell you that at least one of us photographers was verrrrry thankful for that development!

The veil that Kendra wore beautifully was actually a family heirloom that her mom wore for her wedding! It was beautiful to begin with, but she made it absolutely stunning!

While one photographer stayed to capture the final moments of preparation at the salon, the other hopped on over to where they guys were getting ready. But, first, the rings!

And then, of course, Subway for lunch.
The guys absolutely knew what they were doing when it came to tying ties... *wink wink*... Taylor didn't need to help them at all... *nudge nudge*

With buttons all the way down the back and delicate, laced sleeves, Kendra's dress was absolutely breathtaking. 

Time was crunched, but not so much that meaningful gifts couldn't be given & many hugs received!

Kendra's bridesmaids couldn't help but admire her as she put on the last accessories. 
It goes without saying that her beauty was absolutely astounding!
Kendra's thoughtful mother incorporated the tiniest patch of "something blue" to the band of her bouquet.

You know that moment when a bride looks into the mirror and suddenly it's all... you know... REAL? Yeah. That.

While the girls sorted themselves out, the men arrived at the church and waited for their cues.
The excitement in the air was tangible! It was "go" time!
Kendra and Taylor smiled at each other in the way that only a newly-wed couple can! 
A weathered barn made for the perfect backdrop to this classy-looking wedding party.
The groomsmen each were given tie-clips engraved with their last names.
Kendra's face came alive when her handsome husband walked into the scene.
It's been said already, but it just has to be said again: everything about Kendra (bouquet, hair, veil, dress) was perfectly beautiful! 
The groomsmen made themselves useful. ;) 
One last ride in the limo, and it was reception time.
The dessert table was fabulous!
The first dance included absolutely adorable spins and smiles, and maybe even a kiss or two. 
Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Gonczy!